What are the best alternatives to Partiful?

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Some people I know have used Occasionly.io. Ime it can be glitchy, but I believe you can see the guest list without RSVP-ing, and you can also give a numerical probability for how likely you are to go, which EAs and rationalists obviously like.

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Without commenting on whether it's best (or even better), I've been invited to things via https://lu.ma

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Luma is way way better! I've hosted and attended, and have zero complaints so far.

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I don't know why facebook events lost the popularity it once had. It seems to have solved all of these nicely.

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I switched away from Facebook because I want to invite people who aren't on there

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You can invite people via a link or phone number now

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related: when I RSVP "maybe" (often just in order to see who's coming), it says "pls commit soon". argh!

(though I think this might have actually been removed recently actually)

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> When I'm invited to a party, things I'm not allowed to know until after I RSVP include a) who else is invited or going, and b) where it is.

FWIW my understanding was that that was something that hosts set, and at some parties you can see who's coming and what the location is.

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I don't think so. In the place in settings I would expect that to be, I learn that this is actually the maximal info-to-guests version, and you can opt to instead never tell people who is coming. (If you could change it, I'd still object that it making things default is a move, especially if you have to muck around in settings to get the other option.)

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It took off in my circles because people's emails are overloaded (or too much goes to spam/promotions that no one checks) and everyone has SMS but Partiful does a nice job of hiding people's SMS numbers so that creeps or weirdos don't get your number. A middle ground might be for each user to allow overriding their preferred delivery mechanism. Your other points about knowing who's going are very true.

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